I spent all afternoon outside with the pup. While not up to his typical, hands-on, nose in it all, supervisor role he did keep an eye on all activity from his bed. He closed his eyes only in the walk-by belly rubs and mini puppy massages.
Knowing now that he's sick makes activities like tree pruning completely bittersweet. I am so grateful to have more days with Dutch, but knowing that the time is limited is near impossible to bear.
Before going outside this morning, I told my husband, "it breaks my heart that he's dying."
"Does it break your heart that I'm dying?"
"I know, I know. We're all dying a little bit each day. This is different."
"Does it break your heart that you're dying?"
"Compared to him? No."
Knowing now that he's sick makes activities like tree pruning completely bittersweet. I am so grateful to have more days with Dutch, but knowing that the time is limited is near impossible to bear.
Before going outside this morning, I told my husband, "it breaks my heart that he's dying."
"Does it break your heart that I'm dying?"
"I know, I know. We're all dying a little bit each day. This is different."
"Does it break your heart that you're dying?"
"Compared to him? No."