My heart is breaking

4:52 PM

I spent all afternoon outside with the pup.  While not up to his typical, hands-on, nose in it all, supervisor role he did keep an eye on all activity from his bed.  He closed his eyes only in the walk-by belly rubs and  mini puppy massages.

Knowing now that he's sick makes activities like tree pruning completely bittersweet.  I am so grateful to have more days with Dutch, but knowing that the time is limited is near impossible to bear.

Before going outside this morning, I told my husband, "it breaks my heart that he's dying."

"Does it break your heart that I'm dying?"

"I know, I know.  We're all dying a little bit each day.  This is different."

"Does it break your heart that you're dying?"

"Compared to him?  No."

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As I tell my toddler, "treat others as you want them to treat you" just keep that in mind before you send something into the ether!

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