"I'm not quite dead yet"

10:52 PM

If you're familiar with Monty Python and the Search for the Holy Grail (a personal and family favorite) this is probably my favorite scene. Of course that changes by the minute.If you're not familiar, well then, I'm sorry and you should fix that tonight. If not sooner. Scene: medieval street. Corpses and indigent line the cobblestone paths. A dirty, haggared man pulls a wooden cart pulled high with bodies. He rings a bell, stoicly shouting "bring out yer dead. Bring out yer dead." When he stops, another man approaches with what appears to be a not dead person flung over his shoulder. A conversation issues about the deadness of said person, when in an old, small voice calls out, "I'm not quite dead yet!". The debate continues all the while the susposed dead man contests the state of his mortality. It doesn't end well for the old man, and he end up knocked out in the cart. Hmm. That reads quite callus,but I promise, on film and in the hands of The Pythons it's brilliant and endlessly funny. Well, that's a long way to get to Dutch is still here. I swear, he heard us on the phone with the vet, crying and planning for the end when he said,"Oh hell, they're pretty serious about this. Better pull it together, Dutch or you'll be on the way to that Rainbow Bridge Woman always talks about!". Within an hour of the call he was drinking water. Within 12 hours he was eating food,er sort of. More like eating mini Jumbones and turkey meatballs, but he was keeping food down. "Nope, not quite dead yet,Woman." Good, Dutch. Very, very good.

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As I tell my toddler, "treat others as you want them to treat you" just keep that in mind before you send something into the ether!

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